A Distorted Image

Scripture Reading - 1 Corinthians 15:48-49 KJV

48 As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.
49 And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

Today’s word comes from the revelation that everyone has their own imagination and their imagination will be influenced by their own beliefs. In a previous related lesson we spoke about “A False Image”. In that lesson it was pointed out that people in authority over you can have a false image of who you should be. The lesson mentioned parents, coaches and/or knowledgeable people can image that the people under their influence will turn out to be a certain way to fit their imagination. However, in this lesson we will take yet another angle. When we (ihlcc) use the term “distorted image” we are speaking about everyday people who live with us on a daily basis. This problem can be twofold: the first being others who have a distorted image of how you fit into their life and the second is some people have a distorted image (viewpoint) of themselves. In our first example we know some friends and family members have an idea (image) about what a successful person should be and look like. Their idea (imagination) compels them to speak in that direction which can cause problems to your peace if you let it. For example, some people think that to be a successful woman you must be a college graduate with a high ranking position in a large company. Although this could be good for some women it is not the picture of a successful woman in God’s sight. If we choose to be godly the successful woman in God’s sight takes care of her family by putting them first and if she is unmarried she gives herself unto prayer and fasting and ministering to the saints. This is why we use the term “distorted” because the worldly image of a successful woman is somewhat “distorted” from God’s viewpoint. Thus, those that are earthy will always come-up with a worldly carnal image that will always be “distorted” from God’s pure image. Oh dear woman of God, your accolades will never define you before an awesome holy God but rather your heart’s attitude to completely love God and show this agape love to all those around you. In our second example we (ihlcc) have listen to certain people who think they are wonderful (or above correction) in their own mind. We have nothing against positive thinking but if you think you are wonderful when many others think you are not wonderful there will be problems. The “distorted image” Mr. Wonderful has of himself will make it hard to speak with him about the problems he is causing with others. Yes, even in ministry we have tried to help people with problems but if the person who needs help thinks that they are wonderful (not in need of your help) trying to communicate honestly and openly with them becomes impossible. Trying to feed a baby who is full only causes them to spit the food back at you. Yes, we all know God knows everything so there are multiple believers who only want to hear correction from God Himself and disregard what other Christians who care for them are speaking to them concerning correction. This attitude is very dangerous and problematic. Dangerous because sometimes God does use people to speak into your life but if you are so prideful that you think only the Lord can correct me directly if there’s a problem you will one day find out even He cannot correct someone who is not seeking correction. The hardhead person will be corrected by the misfortunes of life instead of the easier way of listening for truth and making the necessary course corrections (thinking and doing adjustments along the way). This superior attitude is problematic because when a problem arises (which problems will arise at some point in your life) and they share their problems with you, if you give good Holy Bible counsel and they listen to what you say but make no heart changes have you really helped the individual? It is actually worst for a believer to hear truth and choose not to do it than if they were ignorant never knowing what was right. We have found our godly counsel can fall on deaf ears when people are not trained to listen. Thus, the sincere soft hearted person who humbles themselves before God will hear from God (maybe directly or indirectly through another person) but those who think they already have it all figured out are in pride and rarely hear from God concerning corrections that they need to make. Why? One reason is pride goes before a fall, so all prideful people will fall and another reason is their “distorted image” of themselves only shows them in a good light which means they have nothing to correct in their life. Sadly, too many people have a “distorted image” of themselves and of other people so be on guard not to let their “distorted image” of you define who you are, nor how you respond to their words. The Holy Bible says, “If the blind lead the blind will they not both fall into the ditch?” So let the people with a “distorted image” be deceived if that is what they choose to believe, you just keep going forward with truth and love knowing you are faithfully following God instead of following the “distorted images” of carnal men. Amen!